Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Exciting times indeed

Whooooopsie it's been a while........well it feels like it, there's been so much going on.

Blog photos like to upload in the wrong order, and I meant these the other way round, but hey screw it.....

I'm getting (a little too) excited about the upcoming set design I'm doing for 'Spaceship 87' which starts rehearsals mid November. It's Manchester Royal Exchange's children's Christmas production, and is being written and directed by my sister's amazing children's theatre company En Masse.
The story is about a little girl called Leyla who has to save the world in her spaceship bedroom - that comes to life in the famous Hurricane storm of 1987. Micheal Fish narrates the story......

......what an absolute fox (I WANT THAT JUMPER)

Can't wait to get started on it, I've been saving clippings and looking in my favourite moon books. We're building it at Lanterhouse creation centre near Morecombe.............it's a bit of a hippy commune and we're gonna be there for pretty much a month (plus it's near home which makes me smile, a nice bit of time up north please)
I did a drawing for the new edition of 'Egg Mag' which is out this week I think. It's for an article about 'Big Green Giants' asking 'How green is your energy?' I decided to brighten it up with a dude who's being super green by powering his own energy machine. I'm excited to see it in print, you can pick up at copy from 'Leon' restaurants amongst other places.

The ever expanding 580 group have just launched another cracking venue, this time in a little town called Brixton. The Rest is Noise is one of the most interesting places to have a beer in London with a plethora of amazing artworks on the wall and in the street gallery window.
I crowned the fireplace with the family of troopers........

Was really nice to draw in a different style for a change, tiring too!

The venue is also one of the new places we're taking the 'A Little Bazaar'......we had the first one there a couple of weeks ago....

......they have a light wall on the dance floor!

We're also taking it to 'The Book Club' this (and every) Sunday......we are franchising!

Ok........last thing, some pics of the stuff we made for Bestival......man I need a website update!

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